Due to the fact that many torrent websites have their own tackers or servers, they are also more generally called trackers. Meanwhile, a torrent website that collects a diverse array of torrents is called an indexer. More people download the file, more servers there are. At the same time, you will upload portions of the data and become a server, as well. When the client finishes the download, you get a complete file.

To put it simply, to download a file using torrent, you need the help of a BitTorrent client that downloads pieces of a file from different servers and compile the data. Its strongest point beating the traditional file sharing methods is BitTorrent protocol enables users to download a file from a torrent through multiple servers, which greatly enhances the efficiency. A torrent is a computer file sent through the BitTorrent peer-to-peer file protocol, also known as P2P, which is an efficient way to distribute files through the Internet.

Before getting into the details, it’s essential to have a grasp of how torrent works.